businessperson playing chess with a robotic arm, both studying a crystal ball showing bar graphs, pie charts and algorithmic lines

Predictive Analytics Using Machine Learning: a Game Changer for Businesses

You’ve probably heard the buzzwords ‘predictive analytics’ and ‘machine learning’ thrown around more often than a hot potato at a barbecue! But are you actually using them, or just nodding and smiling awkwardly whenever they come up in conversation? In this article, you’ll discover how these technologies can turn your business into a fortune-telling powerhouse….

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a robotic hand holding a marketing strategy plan, with various digital marketing icons and a futuristic AI chip integrated.

How Artificial Intelligence Is Automating Marketing

Alright, let’s chat about the latest buzzword on the marketing block: artificial intelligence. Makes it sound like robots are taking over, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, it’s not an episode of “Black Mirror”. It’s about giving your customer’s experience a personal touch, almost like a digital butler. It’s about predicting marketing trends – like a fortune…

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